Friday, September 26, 2008

Fangirls in the house go "SQUEE!!!!!!"

It's fall, and we all know what that means, I am going to jam out with the clam out for the new shows on the five channels I get, since I have no cable. I like to think of myself as a "tv vegetarian". It's a personal choice. You have to be really committed to it. Right now I have like, 12 shows that I watch regularly- frankly, I don't know how anyone fits more in. Of course, most of my shows come from the CW, but who doesn't love unrealistic teen drama? Not this lady.

As for something that gets me a little more street cred- can we talk about the season premiere of The Office? AHHHHHHHHHHH! I totally heart Jim. Watched the premiere with my BFF via text message, and it made it all the more enjoyable.

"I say, I say... I SIT ON YOU!"

Sidenote- as I was driving in to work today, I saw a man playing the trumpet as he drove. May the strange carnival of my life never end.

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